Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /home/www/dynamic/ on line 36 Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /home/www/dynamic/ on line 21 Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in /home/www/dynamic/ on line 540 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/www/dynamic/ in /home/www/dynamic/ on line 826 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/www/dynamic/ in /home/www/dynamic/ on line 3 var livecal_dir = '/wp-content/plugins/livecalendar/' var week_begins = 1; var thismonth = 02; var thisyear = 2007; var min_month = 1; var min_year = 2007; var has_fp = false; var siteurl = ''; var firstpost = ''; var permastruct = '/?m=%year%%monthnum%%day%'; var m_permastruct= '/?m=%year%%monthnum%'; var spinner_img = '/wp-content/plugins/livecalendar/wait1.gif'; var dateDayDisp = new Array('S', 'M', 'T', 'W', 'T', 'F', 'S'); var dateMon = new Array('January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'); var dateMonShort = new Array('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'); var archives = 'Archives:'; var viewpostsfor_= 'View posts for %1$s %2$s'; // extra fiddly bits of needed code before getting to the meat function viewpostsfor(year,month) { return viewpostsfor_.replace("%1\$s",dateMon[month]).replace("%2\$s",year); } var unixmonth = new Date(thisyear,thismonth-1,1); unixmonth.setYear(thisyear); // to be sure it's a 4 digit value. var entries_cache=new Array(); var tocall; function addEvent(el,ev,fn) { if (el.attachEvent)el.attachEvent('on'+ev,fn); else if (el.addEventListener)el.addEventListener(ev,fn,false); } if (typeof window.XMLHttpRequest!="undefined") { if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('KHTML')>0) { setTimeout('kcalendar_refresh()',2000); } else { addEvent(window,'load',kcalendar_refresh); } } // let's create the calendar table array function kcalendar_build(year,month,day) { var today=new Date; shownDate=new Date(year,month,day); cal=document.createElement('table');"wp-calendar"; // draw month name caption=document.createElement('caption'); caption.appendChild(document.createTextNode(dateMon[shownDate.getMonth()]+' '+shownDate.getFullYear())); cal.appendChild(caption);"wp-calendar_caption"; // draw day headers cal_head = document.createElement('THEAD'); cal.appendChild(cal_head); cal_row=cal_head.insertRow(0);"calendar_daysRow"; for (i=0;i<7;i++) { cal_cell = document.createElement('TH'); cal_row.appendChild(cal_cell); var wd = dateDayDisp[(i+week_begins)%7]; cal_cell.appendChild(document.createTextNode(wd)); cal_cell.abbr =wd; cal_cell.title=wd; cal_cell.scope="col"; } // draw navigation row month cal_foot = document.createElement('TFOOT'); cal.appendChild(cal_foot); cal_row=cal_foot.insertRow(0); // create previous month nav if we have a post from then cal_cell=cal_row.insertCell(0); cal_cell.colSpan=3; = 'prev'; cal_cell.className = 'pad'; // create spinner element cal_cell=cal_row.insertCell(1); cal_cell.className = 'pad'; spinner = document.createElement("IMG");"calendar_spin"; spinner.src = siteurl + spinner_img; cal_cell.appendChild(spinner); // create next month nav if we have a post from then cal_cell=cal_row.insertCell(2); cal_cell.colSpan=3;"next"; cal_cell.className='pad'; // draw navigation row year cal_row=cal_foot.insertRow(1); // create previous year nav if we have a post from then cal_cell=cal_row.insertCell(0); cal_cell.colSpan=3;'prev_year'; cal_cell.className='pad'; // create filler space cal_cell=cal_row.insertCell(1); cal_cell.className='pad'; // create next year nav if we have a post from then cal_cell=cal_row.insertCell(2); cal_cell.colSpan=3;'next_year'; cal_cell.className = 'pad'; // create calendar body cal_body = document.createElement('TBODY'); cal.appendChild(cal_body); // get date of first cell firstcelldate=new Date(shownDate.getFullYear(),shownDate.getMonth(),1); cellDate=1-firstcelldate.getDay()+week_begins; if (cellDate>1)cellDate-=7; // draw rest of month days_in_last_month=kcalendar_daysInMonth(shownDate.getFullYear(),shownDate.getMonth()-1); for (i=0;i<6;i++) { cal_row=cal_body.insertRow(i); for(j=0;j<7;j++) { cal_cell=cal_row.insertCell(j); class_to_show=''; if (cellDate<1) { class_to_show='pad'; num_to_show='';//days_in_last_month+cellDate } else if (cellDate>kcalendar_daysInMonth(shownDate.getFullYear(),shownDate.getMonth())) { class_to_show='pad'; num_to_show='';//cellDate-kcalendar_daysInMonth(shownDate.getFullYear(),shownDate.getMonth()); } else { num_to_show=cellDate; class_to_show=''; if (shownDate.getFullYear()==today.getFullYear() && shownDate.getMonth()==today.getMonth() && cellDate==today.getDate()) {'today'; class_to_show+=" today" } } cal_cell.appendChild(document.createTextNode(num_to_show)); cal_cell.className=class_to_show; if( != 'today' )"kcalendar_"+shownDate.getFullYear()+"_"+(shownDate.getMonth()+1)+"_"+cellDate; cellDate++; } } tocall='kcalendar_'+(shownDate.getFullYear())+"_"+(shownDate.getMonth()); return cal; } // identify posts for dates listed function kcalendar_create_links(arr, shown_year,shown_month) { // add prev month/year links if necessary split = arr[0].split(/: /); if (split[1] != 'none') { prev_date = split[1].split(/,/); cell = document.getElementById('prev'); // kill the kid. if (cell.childNodes.length>0) cell.removeChild(cell.childNodes[0]); // create a new one. link = document.createElement('a'); link.appendChild( document.createTextNode(String.fromCharCode(171)+" " + dateMonShort[prev_date[1]-1]) ); link.href="javascript:kcalendar_refresh("+prev_date[0]+","+prev_date[1]+");"; link.title = viewpostsfor(prev_date[0],prev_date[1]-1) cell.appendChild(link); cell.abbr=dateMonShort[prev_date[1]-1]; cell.className = ''; if ((prev_date[0] == shown_year && min_year < shown_year) || prev_date[0] < shown_year ) { cell = document.getElementById('prev_year'); // speed em up to 88 mph year = (prev_date[0] < shown_year-1) ? prev_date[0] : shown_year-1; // but block the flux capacitor month = (year == min_year && shown_month < min_month) ? min_month : shown_month+1; // kill the kid. if (cell.childNodes.length>0) cell.removeChild(cell.childNodes[0]); // create a new one. link = document.createElement('a'); link.appendChild( document.createTextNode(String.fromCharCode(171)+" " + year) ); link.href="javascript:kcalendar_refresh("+year+","+month+");"; link.title = viewpostsfor(year,month-1) cell.appendChild(link); cell.className = ''; } } // add next month/year links if necessary split = arr[1].split(/: /); if (split[1] != 'none') { cell = document.getElementById('next'); next_date = split[1].split(/,/); // kill the kid. if (cell.childNodes.length>0) cell.removeChild(cell.childNodes[0]); // create a new one. link = document.createElement('a'); link.appendChild( document.createTextNode(dateMonShort[next_date[1]-1]+ " " + String.fromCharCode(187)) ); link.href="javascript:kcalendar_refresh("+next_date[0]+","+next_date[1]+");"; link.title = viewpostsfor(next_date[0],next_date[1]-1) cell.appendChild(link); cell.abbr=dateMonShort[next_date[1]-1]; cell.className = ''; if ( (next_date[0] == shown_year && thisyear > shown_year) || next_date[0] > shown_year) { cell = document.getElementById('next_year'); // speed em up to 88 mph year = (next_date[0] > shown_year+1) ? next_date[0] : shown_year+1; // but block the flux capacitor month = (year == thisyear && shown_month > thismonth) ? thismonth : shown_month+1; // kill the kid. if (cell.childNodes.length>0) cell.removeChild(cell.childNodes[0]); // create a new one. link = document.createElement('a'); link.appendChild( document.createTextNode(year + " " + String.fromCharCode(187)) ); link.href="javascript:kcalendar_refresh("+year+","+month+");"; link.title = viewpostsfor(year,month-1) cell.appendChild(link); cell.className = ''; } } // don't do anything if we don't have any links // this should only happen when someone jumps years if (arr[2] == '') return; // now create links for each post for (i=2;i1) { split=split[0].split(/-/); text=el.childNodes[0]; el2=document.createElement('a'); el2.title= archives+' '+dateMon[split[1]-1]+ ' ' +split[0]; el2.appendChild(text); el2.href = siteurl + m_permastruct; el2.href = el2.href.replace(/%year%/,split[0]); el2.href = el2.href.replace(/%monthnum%/,split[1]); // create fancy tooltips if the plugin is enabled if ( has_fp == true ) FancyTooltips.autoCreation(); el.appendChild(el2); } } function kcalendar_daysInMonth(year,month) { if (month<0) { month+=12;year--; } if (month==3||month==5||month==8||month==10)return 30; if (month!=1)return 31; if (!(year%4))return 29; return 28; } function kcalendar_refresh(year,month) { if (isNaN(year)) { year=unixmonth.getFullYear(); month=unixmonth.getMonth(); } else { month--; } while (month<0 ) { month+=12;year--; } while (month>11) { month-=12;year++; } el=document.getElementById('calendar'); if (!el) { el2=document.getElementById('wp-calendar'); if (el2) { el=document.createElement('div');'calendar'; el3=el2.parentNode; el3.insertBefore(el,el2); el3.removeChild(el2); el.appendChild(el2); } } if (!el) return; els=el.childNodes; for (i=el.childNodes.length-1;i>-1;i--)el.removeChild(els[i]); cal=kcalendar_build(year,month,1); el.appendChild(cal); // apply link to post dates if (entries_cache[tocall]) { kcalendar_create_links(entries_cache[tocall],year,month); el=document.getElementById('calendar_spin'); if (el) el.parentNode.removeChild(el); } else { var req = new XMLHttpRequest(); if (req) { req.onreadystatechange=function() { if(req.readyState==4&&req.status==200) { entries_cache[tocall]=(req.responseText)? req.responseText.split(/\n/): []; kcalendar_create_links(entries_cache[tocall],year,month); el=document.getElementById('calendar_spin'); if(el) el.parentNode.removeChild(el); } };'GET', siteurl + livecal_dir + 'kcalendar.php?year='+shownDate.getFullYear()+'&month='+(shownDate.getMonth()+1)+'&min_year='+min_year+'&min_month='+min_month); if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('KHTML')==-1)req.send(null); else req.send(); } } } // Sorry, Champ... I think I ate your chocolate squirrel.